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07 January 2017

Long Is The Way ...

Our Christmas and New Year's celebrations are over, and 2017 is here.  Most of us were glad to leave the old year behind, as the often divisive and acrimonious election season left a bitter taste.

But even though the twelve days of Christmas ended yesterday, on Three Kings Day, the message of Christmas can be our compass for all that is to come.


Deep is the night. Long is the way.
We walk in time's mysterious sway.

And on we walk. But as we stride,
dark sadness never leaves our side.

It cries in us and sighs and wails.
Our tender heart fears death and ails.

How harsh and long the road ahead!
We are alone, and filled with dread.

We walk -- where to? After the light
of which the angel spoke at night.

For somewhere in the distant lands,
far, far away, a hovel stands

where to become a child God chose,
so restless heart finds its repose.



Die Nacht ist tief. Der Weg ist weit.
Wir wandern durch die dunkle Zeit.

Wir gehn fürbass, doch Schritt für Schritt
geht unsre dunkle Schwermut mit.

Die weint in uns und seufzt und klagt.
Das Herz ist wund und todverzagt.

Die Wegfahrt, ach, ist schwer und lang.
Wir sind allein, und uns ist bang.

Wir gehn -- wohin? Dem Lichte nach
von dem zur Nacht der Engel sprach.

Denn irgendwo am Rand der Welt,
da ist das Hüttlein aufgestellt

drein Gott sich gab zur Nacht als Kind,
daß ruhlos Herz hier Ruhe find.

(German poem by Arno Pötzsch [1900-1956]. 2015 Translation by Fritz Wendt, b. 1957)

"How harsh and long the road ahead! We are alone, and filled with dread."  These words speak to us as we look at the 2017 calendar.  What will happen to us, as a world, as a nation, as a community, as a family, as individuals?

Indeed, our hearts can become quite restless as we think about what's to come.  But we are not alone: "We walk -- where to? After the light of which the angel spoke at night".

May the light of Christmas be with you this day and all days.

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